Posted in English 9

English report

During this study period, I had the opportunity to engage in various academic activities that have contributed significantly to my learning experience. One aspect that stood out to me was the engaging discussion lessons.
The discussion lessons were particularly interesting and enjoyable. These sessions provided a platform for active participation, where I could express my thoughts and listen to the perspectives of my peers. This interactive format made learning more dynamic and helped me understand the subject matter in a deeper context.
Through discussions, I could explore different viewpoints and gain a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered. Engaging in debates and discussions helped me develop critical thinking skills, as I had to analyze information and construct well-founded arguments. These lessons improved my ability to articulate my thoughts clearly and confidently, which is an essential skill in both academic and professional settings. Working with peers in discussion settings fostered a collaborative learning environment, where we could support and learn from each other.
Overall, this study period has been an enriching experience, largely due to the interactive and thought-provoking discussion lessons. I have found these sessions to be both enjoyable and beneficial, enhancing my understanding, critical thinking, and communication skills. I look forward to continuing this approach in future study periods.


    Բարև ձեզ ես Գոհար Սանոյանն եմ: Դուք այցելել եք իմ ուսումնական բլոգը: Հուսով եմ շուտ դուրս կգաք:)

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